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Bekle beni
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sen bekle beni
şiir: Kostantin Simonov -
Çeviri: A. Tokatlı
Müzik: Nadir Göktürk - Ezginin Günlüğü
Konstantin Simonov, II. Dünya Savaşı'nda ordu gazetesi "Kızıl Yıldız"ın savaş muhabiri olarak görev yaptı. Gerek cephede gerek cephe gerisindeki Sovyet insanının mücadelesini gazetesine gönderdiği yazılarda dile getirdi.
İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nın en kanlı günlerinin yaşandığı Stalingrad cephesinde Ünlü Bekle Beni şiirini sevdiği kadını, güzeller güzeli Valentina Serova’yı duyduğu aşk ve hasreti anlatmak için yazdı. Simonov o sıralarda henüz yirmi beş yaşındaydı. İzne çıkan bir askere şiirini verdi, nasker şiiri gazeteye ulaştırmış, şiir gazetede yayımlanmıştı. Bütün bir savaş boyunca bütün bir Sovyet ordusunda bu şiir hem subaylar hem de erler tarafından ezberlendi. Yüzlerce değişik biçimde bestelendi. O dönemde cephede vurulup ölen ya da yaralanan tüm Sovyet askerlerinin tam kalplerinin üzerine denk gelen göğüs ceplerinde, ya gazeteden kesilip çoğaltılmış ya da kargacık burgacık harflerle yazıya dökülmüş Bekle Beni şiiri çıktı.
to Valentina Serova
Wait for me, and I'll come back!
Wait with all you've got!
Wait, when dreary yellow rains
Tell you, you should not.
Wait when snow is falling fast,
Wait when summer's hot,
Wait when yesterdays are past,
Others are forgot.
Wait, when from that far-off place,
Letters don't arrive.
Wait, when those with whom you wait
Doubt if I'm alive.
Wait with all you've got!
Wait, when dreary yellow rains
Tell you, you should not.
Wait when snow is falling fast,
Wait when summer's hot,
Wait when yesterdays are past,
Others are forgot.
Wait, when from that far-off place,
Letters don't arrive.
Wait, when those with whom you wait
Doubt if I'm alive.
Wait for me, and I'll come back!
Wait in patience yet
When they tell you off by heart
That you should forget.
Even when my dearest ones
Say that I am lost,
Even when my friends give up,
Sit and count the cost,
Drink a glass of bitter wine
To the fallen friend -
Wait! And do not drink with them!
Wait until the end!
Wait in patience yet
When they tell you off by heart
That you should forget.
Even when my dearest ones
Say that I am lost,
Even when my friends give up,
Sit and count the cost,
Drink a glass of bitter wine
To the fallen friend -
Wait! And do not drink with them!
Wait until the end!
Wait for me and I'll come back,
Dodging every fate!
"What a bit of luck!" they'll say,
Those that would not wait.
They will never understand
How amidst the strife,
By your waiting for me, dear,
You had saved my life.
Only you and I will know
How you got me through.
Simply - you knew how to wait -
No one else but you.
Dodging every fate!
"What a bit of luck!" they'll say,
Those that would not wait.
They will never understand
How amidst the strife,
By your waiting for me, dear,
You had saved my life.
Only you and I will know
How you got me through.
Simply - you knew how to wait -
No one else but you.